
Monday, July 8, 2013

Top Five ...Books

I spoke previously about how much I love books.
They really are the coolest.
Some of the books I mention might raise red flags, but just hear me out, okay?

A Wrinkle in Time - Madeline L'Engle

The was my very first favorite book I think I first read it when I was around 11 or 12. I really can't count the number of times I've read and re-read this masterpiece. It's Sci-Fi (yes, I know - I'm a nerd), but it's intelligent Sci-Fi. The main character in the book is an awkward teenager (hence why I loved it. I was such a guber) who searches for her father on another planet with a super hot boy and her genius little bro. I eventually read all books in this series, but this was by far the best.

Mitten Strings for God - Ketrina Kenison

This book is so beautiful. I could, and should, read it over and over again. The overall message is focusing on what's important, which actually is very little in life. She encourages mothers to focus on experiences with their children, as well as creating an environment rich in positive interaction. This book centers me, and keeps my priorities in order. It doesn't matter what car I drive, what grocery shopping I have to do that day, the laundry waiting in the dryer. What matters is my husband and son. When I take this book to heart, I make sure to have deep and fulfilling conversations with my husband. I also make sure to create fun and positive moments with Ethan.

Unbroken - Laura Hillenbrand

There is one word for this book: Amazing.
Seriously, though, anyone who thinks they have problems needs to read this book. It centers on a WWII POW survivor who was once on top of the world, who was deeply humbled by war, and who chose - chose - to rise above the negative. I tell Ethan all the time that we create our own happiness, and this man is such a great example of that. It's a true story as well, which makes this book that much better. 

The End of the Affair - Graham Greene

A friend recommended this book to me, and I was skeptical at first. I mean, just read the title. It was set in WWII England. Okay, I'll admit I had no idea how the war affected the English, but it was brutal. However, that's not what the book is really about. The main story is how a man, who's in a relationship, spends every time they're together in a fit of jealousy - so much so, that he's not able to enjoy their life together until it's over. The message I get from this is to spend my time living in the moment, enjoying life, instead of constantly thinking negatively. I know when I live life this way, that I am happier, and so is my family.

And last, but not least...

Harry Potter

Man I love these books. They got me through college, for starters. Who needs to do homework when you have Facebook and Harry Potter? <-------not girl.="" p="" this="">
Seriously, though. JK Rowling has some mad storytelling skills. The real reason I put this on my top 5 is the fact that this story instills in its readers that we can be whoever we want to be. If a young, abused, orphaned boy can become the coolest freaking wizard on the face of the pretend-planet, then what can I become? 

As stated previously, books are the coolest. I realized I'm going to have to do another Top 5 in the future, because I have way too many favorite books to narrow it down that far.

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