
Saturday, September 22, 2012

I Love Books

I remember my obsession starting as a little kid. I read every book we had in the bookcase in our house, and re-read and re-read. Sometimes, when I would get bored, I liked to tear all the books out of the bookshelf, just so I could re-organize them. Just being in their presence was soothing to me.

One of my favorite things to do is to bring a book close to my face and flip through the pages. The smell of paper full of words creating a whole new world is so profound to me. The pages of a book are so much more than Paper. They symbolize the chance to move into a different dimension, free of the worries or cares of the world I live in.

Although I love books, I realized something today: I actually get scared over starting a new book. Here's why:

When I read a book, I become invested in the characters the author develops. They become my friends, my family. I get to experience some of their most intimate moments with them - the moment they fall in love, their heartaches, triumphs and disappointments, proud moments and not-so-proud moments. I get to live in their mind and learn what they're thinking. It's exhilarating.

But then, the book ends.

These people that I got to know and become friends with are ripped out of my life. Unlike a friend that moves away, I can't keep track of their life through Facebook, give them a call, write them a text to see what they're up to. I have a hard time letting go of these people I've invested so much time into.

Starting a new book is to make all new friendships. It's scary. What if I don't like how the author builds the character? What if I simply don't like the lead?  What if I simply dislike the author? This, of course, is not a deterrent to keep reading, but is something I struggle with every time one good book comes to an end, and another literary journey begins.

Am I the only one with this problem?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Crazy Things I Say....

1. Don't lick my mouth when you kiss me.
2. Repeating the question doesn't help. I have NO IDEA what "that" is.
3. Do you need to go peepee? Stop holding your crotch then.
4. HOOOO-HOOOOOO!!! (and other train noises)
5. I bet I can pick up more toys than you. Ready... Set... Go!
6. Did you just spit on the carpet?!
7. Get that out of your mouth. It isn't food.
8. Did you just spit at that kid?!
9. Don't be such a creeper.
10. We don't hit our friends, buddy.
11. You didn't poop in your pants, did you? What's that smell?
12. Did you just spit at me?!
13. Your my BFF.