
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful for Silence

Today, I'm thankful for silence.

"Do we know how to shut the door, stop the noise, and tune in to our own inner lives?" - Katrina Kenison

I'll explain: My newest purchase on my Kindle (LOVE. IT.) is Mitten Strings for God: Reflections for Mothers in a Hurry, by Katrina Kenison. The author is a mom (obvsiously) that has discovered the secret to enjoying life is by silencing the noise around us. She decided her young kids didn't have to be in so many activities - that just a few would suffice. She didn't need to always have music or the DVD player on in the car. That sitting in silence sparked conversations she would never have had with her kids. She also found that a little silence meant she simply didn't feel as rushed or hurried. She felt peaceful. And peace leads to happiness.

Happiness is a journey. I used to think, One day I'll be married. Then I'll be happy. Then, it became One day we'll be done with school. Then we'll make lots of money (funny, right?), and be happy. Then, I realized that happiness can come regardless of our circumstances, if we just seek it. Plenty of people are married and unhappy. Plenty of people make lots of money, and are still unhappy. So, I started to figure out ways I could change my attitude. Then, a friend mentioned I should read this book - she said it changed her life.

I encourage you all to tune into your inner selves, to find time to be thankful for our daily activities, which, in turn, will make you so happy for what you have.

I'll leave you with one last quote:

"I am convinced that the simplest, most effective way to enrich family life is to return quiet to our homes." - Katrina Kenison

What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I totally love this. It's so true!

    By the way, why do your posts say they are posted by Angela & Scott Olson?

    I love you, girl. You rocked the lesson in RS today. Loved how you totally managed to work in the awesome family photos of you guys. ;)
